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Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Believe to Achieve! "Roots will grow down into God's love and keep us strong" EPH 3:17


Geography Encounter Day


Birch Class Assembly


Aztec Mosaic Masks

The Aztec people controlled a large empire in what is now known as Mexico during the 15th and 16th century. Masks played an important role in their culture. We have created our own Aztec masks using mosaics.

Walk Safe


Identifying Bones

Ted brought his skeleton to school to share with the class. We had fun identifying different bones as part of our Science topic ‘Animals including Humans'.


Wessex Water

Wessex Water visited our class and we enjoyed learning about the water cycle and we carried out some water investigation activities.


Stone Age

We created cave paintings under our tables. Giant Jenga blocks, Lego and custard creams were used to make Stonehenge.


Djembe - African Drumming

It was good with tricky routines and fast music. The rhythm was good! Pippa M


Martial Arts

First, my martial arts teacher introduced herself then we got started. First the class learnt crosses and front kicks. We worked with the pads. Afterwards, we did a competition which Barbury won. Then my martial arts teacher had to leave. Isla B




Malmesbury History & Geography Trip

Willow, Birch and Rowan enjoyed their trip to Malmesbury.


The Moravian church has an underground water well. Henry VIII had a feast in Malmesbury.’  Isla B

The monks at Malmesbury Abbey didn’t wear underpants!’ Pippa H

The museum used to be a fire station’  Lexi

Sandwich Making

We designed our own healthy sandwiches following the Eatwell plate


‘Always wash your hands before making sandwiches’ Pippa H

I enjoyed grating cheese into a bowl’ Lexi

Remember to hold a knife properly when you are cutting’ Ava

Farm Visit

As part of our Geography curriculum, we visited Brinkworth Dairy to find out how dairy products are made in our local area. We had a guided tour of the cheese factory, tasted the ice cream and visited the barn where we saw the calves and cows.  We asked lots of questions and enjoyed our afternoon on the farm.

‘I learned that bacteria grows in hot places’ Harry S

'I learned we have clay soil in Brinkworth because it is wet and has mud in it. It is good for growing grass’ Eliza

‘I now know how to make cheese and how you recycle your milk bottles’ Isla D


TOPS Activity Festival

A group of children from Year 3 and 4 enjoyed participating in the multi sports festival at the Activity Zone, Malmesbury.

The children practised different skills used in athletics, basketball, football, curling and tennis. Molly M was noticed by the staff for excellent effort and good sportsmanship. An enjoyable morning was had by all.


Roman Pots

We created our own Roman pots using different techniques. First, we created a simple pinch pot and added rolling coils. We worked carefully to join the clay using our fingers to create our pots. We used clay tools to add designs to our pots. We are very pleased with the finished pots which are all unique.


Rocks Investigation

We have been investigating igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. We carried out an experiment to test which rock is the hardest, most durable and most waterproof. We tested slate, granite, limestone, marble and chalk. We ranked granite as the best and chalk as the worst!


I found out that if you put water on chalk, the water soaks through and chalk is very soft and permeable. It is not a hard rock.  Eric

I found out that granite is the most durable and waterproof. Chalk is the least strongest and is not waterproof. I enjoyed it when we used the pipette to test if the rocks were waterproof. Rafe