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Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Believe to Achieve! "Roots will grow down into God's love and keep us strong" EPH 3:17


Subject Leader Mrs L Chambers-Haigh
Contact Details for the attention of the Geography Subject Leader
Mission Sentence At Brinkworth Earl Danby's School we believe that "geography underpins a lifelong conversation about the Earth as the home of humankind," (Geography Association). Our geography curriculum will encourage children to have a curiosity about the world, their place in it and impact on it.
Inspiring Quotes
  • The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. (President Barack Obama)
  • It is impossible to understand history, international politics, the world, economy, religions, philosophy, or 'patterns of culture' without taking geography into account. (Kenneth C Davis)
  • Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. For me geography is a great adventure with a purpose. (Michael Palin)
  • The peculiar value of geography lies in its fitness to nourish the mind with ideas and furnish the imagination with pictures. (Charlotte Mason)

Curriculum Overview


Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Term Four

Term Five

Term Six


Starting School

(my immediate environment)

Our Marvellous Market Town – Malmesbury

(my local environment)


(UK / Europe)


Barnaby Bear Travels through the United Kingdom

(UK countries and cities)

Ahoy there, Pirates!

 (West Country UK / North America / World Wide)

The World Around Me – Africa to the Arctic

 (Africa / Arctic)


Wonderful Wiltshire

 (Local Geography)

Malmesbury to Copenhagen

 (UK countries compared to European city / country)

Amazing Asia

(UK countries compared to Asia)


The Wonderous West-Country and Wales

 (Local Geography)

From Source to Sea – A River’s Journey

(UK – South America)

Out of Africa



Homelands- Malmesbury and Bethlehem

 (UK –Middle East / Asia)

On Dangerous Ground

(UK – North America)

Tremendous Trading v Fair Trade?

 (World Wide Focus e.g. Asia)


A Patchwork Kingdom– England and the UK

(UK – 4 countries in 1)

Let’s Settle This – The Americas 

 (North and South America)

Making the Most of Our World – Local to Global

 (Fieldwork Skills)


River Avon and on and on…

 (Local ‘River Avon’ and ‘River Severn’ v European ‘River Danube’ )

Oceania or Australasia – What’s in a name?

 (UK – Oceania / Australasia)

Considering Malmesbury

(Fieldwork Skills – independent self-led project)

Some famous geographers we are inspired by...

Abraham Ortelius (1527 – 1598)

Marie Tharp (1920-2006)

George Everest (1790-1866)

Hannah Engelkamp

Karen Darke (b. 1971)

David Hemplman-Adams (b.1956)