After School/Extra-Curricular Activities
We believe that these activities have a very positive contribution to make to the life of the school and to the development of the child. They are well supported by the children. Once a child has decided to join one of these activities we do expect a commitment to stay for the term or specified sessions, although there may be the option to try a new activity for a week or two before making this commitment. This helps the child to develop some degree of perseverance and also courtesy.
A range of activities, which may change from term to term, is offered. We welcome the support of parents in running these activities. For some activities a small charge may be made to cover the costs of materials.
Some activities, run by independent leaders, take place after school. These are different from school clubs and a charge is made.
Please note that parents are asked to collect their children promptly at the end of after school sessions, at times to be advised. We are unable to supervise brothers and sisters during these times - please make arrangements for them to come home at the normal time.
After School/Extra Curricular Clubs
Dodgeball 3.30pm-4.30pm |
Football 3.30pm-4.30pm |
Football 3.15pm-4.15pm |
For full details of Football, Dodgeball and Multi Sports coaching offered by Wiltshire Sports Academy, please see the linked page at the top of this page.
Peripatetic music teachers, who are paid for their services, visit school to give lessons in guitar, violin, piano, keyboard, woodwind instruments, singing and drums.
Guitar and ukulele lessons are provided by Mark Lodge. Please book directly with Mark Lodge - mark.lodge@gmail.com.
All other music lessons are provided by Swindon Music Cooperative. Lessons can be booked directly online at: https://swindonmusiccoop.co.uk/online-application-form/
The school does have a number of instruments which we are able to offer to children on a loan basis.