School Lunches
School lunches are cooked by our Kitchen service at the Lower School site for all our children. Hot lunches are provided free to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. For children in Year 3 to Year 6 there is a charge of £2.75 per meal.
There is a choice of Main, Vegetarian and Jacket Potato most days. If the Jacket Potato option is chosen, your child will be given a choice of cheese, beans and tuna when they go up for service. Additional fillings are offered on Jacket Potato days.
Children can also bring a packed lunch and all children eat together in the school halls at lunch time under the supervision of Midday Supervisory Assistants and Teaching Assistants.
ALL infant children, (those in reception, year 1 and Year 2), are entitled to free school meals. However, if your child would have been entitled to free school meals under the old system, because you are receiving qualifying benefits, the government will give our school Pupil Premium funding, which will enable us to provide additional support for your child, including a free school meal. But for the school and your child to benefit from this money we need to know that you are receiving a qualifying benefit. If you are, please let us know by asking for an application form from the school offices or applying online here.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are available, free of charge, for the mid morning snack for Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children (Reception to Year 2). We encourage all Key Stage 2 children (Year 3 to Year 6) to bring in a healthy snack for the mid morning break.