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Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School

Believe to Achieve! "Roots will grow down into God's love and keep us strong" EPH 3:17


Brinkworth Earl Danby's Curriculum Statement - Click Here

The Curriculum

All children in the school follow the National Curriculum 2014. This ensures that they all have access to a broad, balanced curriculum. We have a long term curriculum plan which ensures that all children cover the required programmes of study.

National curriculum in England: primary curriculum - GOV.UK. The statutory primary national curriculum, including programmes of study and attainment targets, for all subjects at key stages 1 and 2. Languages are only statutory at key stage 2.

Equal Opportunities.

In every aspect of our school life, we make no discrimination knowingly on grounds of sex, race, creed, colour or disability.

English, mathematics and science

English, mathematics and science are the core subjects; Computing, history, geography, music, art, P.E, a foreign language and design technology are the foundation subjects. Religious Education, whilst not part of the National Curriculum, is also taught. A daily Act of Worship within the broad traditions of Anglican Worship is also held.