At primary school, the main focus of home activities will be based on literacy and numeracy. As children progress through the school, a wider range of activities may be set.
Homework should:
· consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding developed at school
· extend learning e.g. additional reading, research and use of resources of all kinds at home
· encourage pupils to apply good work habits
· show and share work with parents so that parents can be involved in partnership with their child’s learning
· develop the child’s confidence for studying independently
Some homework will be daily, some more long term. Tasks may include:
· regular reading, including recognising sounds, words or word blends
· learning how to spell key words or specialised vocabulary
· learning number bonds, number facts and games
· learning multiplication tables
· finding out information
· preparing talks to interest/inform others.
We do not want homework to consume all of your child’s after school time. Out of school activities can offer a wide variety of valuable experiences which allow growing children some independence in organising their time and developing their interests and talents. Homework should complement these experiences.
Parents can help by providing a quiet place and by sharing and showing an interest in their child’s work. This can motivate and extend learning. As a school, we are aware that parents may be pressured and find supervision becomes a matter of getting the child through the task rather than enjoying the experience and the time shared with the child.
It helps to:
· be patient, however frustrating
· encourage and praise when appropriate
· set a regular time
· not panic if a child has a real “off” day
· make it positive.
Families who choose to take holidays during term time will not normally be provided with homework.