Money & Valuables
Money for lunches provided by Cygnet Catering should be paid at least a week in advance and handed in to the school offices, with order forms, on a Tuesday morning, for lunches for the following week. Cheques should be made payable to Cygnet Foods Ltd.
Money (cheques preferred) sent to the school for swimming, school uniform, books etc. should be in an envelope, clearly named, saying what the money is for. Each class teacher requests the children to put these envelopes in their class collecting wallets, first thing in the morning, before it is taken to the School Office.
Children should not bring any other money to school unless you are notified of a special reason. Jewellery should not be worn; watches should be plain and functional. Toys and other valuables should not be brought to school.
The school fund exists to meet various payments not covered by other monies. It is also used to purchase extra apparatus, materials etc. and for coaches for school visits. Certain activities such as swimming and some school visits which take place during normal school hours require funding. While no child would be excluded from these activities due to financial hardship, we do have to ask parents for a voluntary contribution. Without this support, some activities would not be able to go ahead. We do, therefore, hope that you will be able to help on the occasions when it is necessary.